Frequently Asked Questions

Does it cost anything to join PROBUS Global?

PROBUS Global is FREE. It is also free of advertising. Click the button to join now.

The cost of operating PROBUS Global and this web site can be supported with your donation.

I am a member, but I forget my password.

Login with your best guess. If you are on the membership list and you get it wrong, there will be a button to reset your password. A link will be emailed to you. If all else fails, contact the webmaster.

Do I have to belong to a PROBUS club?

Membership in PROBUS Global is for PROBUS club members. Non-members are free to browse the public areas of the site. Former members of disbanded clubs or those who have moved are also welcome to join us.

If you would like to join a club, we can probably help find one in your area. If there is no PROBUS club near you, we can help you to start one. It is worth the effort.

How do I contact a PROBUS Global Member?

Use the Member List to find a PROBUS Global Member’s email address. Most members also have Skype, Facebook Messenger or other means of communications as well. If you are looking for someone in a location where there is no PROBUS Global member yet, use the Club List to find the contact information for a club.

What are my obligations as a member?

Please behave as you would at a PROBUS meeting. There are no other obligations. Please get involved in as many conversations as possible and be a good friend to all you meet here.

What is PROBUS?

Probus clubs are organizations for retired men and women who want to maintain a social network with others who have similar interests.

Currently there are about 350,000 members in 4,000 clubs around the world meeting regularly to provide fellowship and camaraderie.

PROBUS History

What is PROBUS Global?

PROBUS Global Logo We are a worldwide community of seniors interested in stimulating online conversations. The International PROBUS Network (IPN) has been connecting PROBUS members since 1996.

In 2018 a group of IPN members began work on the PROBUS Global initiative to increase membership and promote PROBUS growth through new clubs and interclub communications to exchange ideas.

By 2025 we have grown to over 1400 members in 20 countries.

More information is available in the slides from a presentation about PROBUS Global in January, 2023.

What is is a Social Media Web Site operated by PROBUS Global for the purpose of enabling communications and exchange among PROBUS Global members and PROBUS clubs.

The Team

Building PROBUS Global for the Future

Richard Furlong
Richard Furlong

Mary Wilson
Mary Wilson
Newsletter Editor

Peter Jennings
Peter Jennings

Unknown Person
Jacques Pierre Nollet
Coordinator Europe

Marlene Pearce
Marlene Pearce
Coordinator Canada

Merv Richens
Merv Richens
Coordinator Australia

Liz Smith
Liz Smith
Coordinator New Zealand
New Zealand

Linda Metcalfe
Linda Metcalfe
Club Administrator

Graham McCombie
Graham McCombie
Coordinator UK

Rob Neary
Rob Neary

Gauthier de Brabandere
Gauthier de Brabandere
Coordinator Europe

Dr Rau
Dr R H G Rau
Coordinator India

Kenichi Ito
Kenichi Ito
Coordinator Japan

Charles Sprong
Charles Sprong
Coordinator South Africa
South Africa

Want to learn more? Ask any team member.

Mission Statement

To advance PROBUS as a vibrant community for retired and semi-retired people by sharing ideas and information, coordinating opportunities for friendship, fellowship, and social interaction, and encouraging and assisting with the formation of new clubs anywhere in the world.

To promote PROBUS Global through effective, ongoing communications with all members and support those who may enjoy travel around the world with local knowledge.

Vision Statement

To have a PROBUS Global member in every region and country where retired and semi-retired people seek to share their experiences with each other directed solely towards acquaintance, fellowship, and learning, free from the constraints of politics, religion, fundraising, and competition.

As we look to the future we will continue the fun and friendship that our members have enjoyed for over twenty years networking around the world, increase the membership, and be a Global leader in the PROBUS Networking Community.

Help to promote PROBUS Global at your local club.

Take copies of the PROBUS Global brochure to your meetings and distribute them to members.

Download the PROBUS Global Brochure [PDF]

Do you have any more questions?

This site is under construction. Your feedback is encouraged.