Probus UK header

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Lavenham image

Lake district image

Wisley image

Historical Archive

of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Probus Page

The PDF lists of UK Clubs was updated by Shirley Roberts until May 18, 2021, shortly before she passed away. The same information plus more recent updates is available through the Search function.

By clicking on the alphabetical indexed list of Probus Clubs below hopefully you will find sufficient data for your contact with the desired club. This is primarily for probus members visiting from overseas/other areas of the UK/ prospective members requiring contact and is not for commercial use.


Index A to WY are men only clubs



As you will see there are gaps in some of the entries but with your help supplying the information we can keep the pdf,s updated especially after your AGM,s

Visit the first link on the left for your Probus regalia and more info not supplied on this site.

The other links are to entice you to visit many areas in the UK.

For a Global Probus community why not visit PROBUS Global website -

PROBUS Global also has a searchable list of UK Clubs as well as many clubs in other countries.

Please let me reassure all probus contacts that the message I sent to them re the change from to was not SPAM so if you have some updates just let me know and I will deal with them A.S.A.P