Meetings and Presentations

Most Meetings are Visible to PROBUS Global Members Only

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please contact the webmaster.

PROBUS Global General Meeting
Date and time to be determined

The date of the 2025 Q1 PROBUS Global General meeting has not yet been determined.

We will feature a guest speaker to entertain and inform. You can help us select the speaker from our directory of Zoom speakers by voting for your favourite. Vote here. There will also be an open discussion of all things PROBUS. Come and meet some fellow Probians around the world.

Videos of past meetings are available on the PROBUS Global YouTube Channel page.

Click the button below to receive a link to the meeting by email.

March 18, 2024
PROBUS Global General Meeting

A general meeting was held on on March 18, 2024.

We discussed all things PROBUS, including the President's Report, Updates on the Membership, Recruiting recent retirees to your club, Meeting PG members while travelling, a virtual online club, The PROBUS Canada Club Champion programme, and suggestions for new team members for the coming year, including the president and country representatives.

October 19, 2023
PROBUS Global General Meeting

A PROBUS Global General Meeting will be held on October 19, 2023.

The keynote speaker will be Liz Smith, who will tell us about PROBUS in New Zealand.

Additionally there will be a general discussion about all things PROBUS.

Past PROBUS Global Meeting Videos


March 7, 2023
PROBUS Global General Meeting

A PROBUS Global General Meeting was held on March 7.

The keynote speaker was Nick French, speaking about PROBUS in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Additionally, we discussed PROBUS in Europe, and the growth of PROBUS Global after the first thousand members and all things PROBUS.

September 22
PROBUS Global General Meeting

The last PROBUS Global General Meeting was held on September 22.

Jacques Pierre Nollet and Gauthier De Brabandere talked about PROBUS in Europe.

Additionally, we will discuss the growth of PROBUS Global and all things PROBUS.

April 2022

The speaker was Dr. R H G Rau from the Hyderabad PROBUS Club on INDIA - A RE-EMERGING BRILLIANCE

A presentation on the amazing emergence of India as a world economic powerhouse with leadership in Technology, Medical Services and other sectors.

Dr. Rau is uniquely qualified to share this perspective, with his five decades of professional and academic accomplishments across the globe. He is academically qualified as a metallurgical engineer, has professionally managed functions such as operations, technology, quality and global marketing, is nationally recognized for his meritorious inventions, and a senior professor at leading Indian technical and management schools.

This YouTube video of Indian progress inspired us to invite Dr Rau to speak.

Additionally, we will discuss the growth of PROBUS Global and all things PROBUS. Agenda [PDF]
The meeting will be by Zoom. The link will be sent by email the day before the meeting

A video of Dr. Rau's presentation is available.

January 28, 2021
PROBUS in Australia

PROBUS Global invites you to attend a presentation about PROBUS down under on January 28 (Jan 29 in Australia and New Zealand).

The guest speakers will be Rob Neary, President of PROBUS Queensland and Silvana Martignago, CEO of PROBUS South Pacific Ltd.

Rob and Silvana will tell you all about PROBUS from the perspective of the Southern Hemisphere.

The meeting will be followed by the usual Q&A chat session giving everyone an opportunity to discuss all aspects of PROBUS Club activities and management with the team of very experienced experts from around the world.

Download PROBUS Global Slides [PDF]
Download PSPL Slides [PDF]

April 1, 2021
PROBUS in Belgium

Belgium may be known as a small country in Europe, hosting a large number of the European institutions, it may be known as “Flanders fields where poppies grow” where far too many soldiers from all over the world – most from the British Commonwealth - lost their lives in World War I and II. The country may be known as a Kingdom, it may be known for its delicious chocolates, or great variety of beers, or …. But do you have any idea how Probus came to be and expanded in an environment of different languages? Gauthier De Brabandere, President of Probus Belgium, will be happy to introduce Probus Belgium to you during the next Probus Global zoom session. The event was recorded.

There are two videos. PROBUS Belgium is the presentation by Gauthier de Brabandere. The second video shows the survey results after the last meeting, a presentation about the web site, and the Q&A Session after both presentations.

December 10, 2020
PROBUS in Canada

PROBUS Global are excited to invite all our PROBUS Global members to a virtual presentation using the Zoom platform on the history of PROBUS in Canada.

Along with the history, you will discover how PROBUS started in Canada, the growth and current membership.

We will discuss the structure of PROBUS Canada which is a not for profit corporation registered with Government of Canada and how it is structured to serve its clubs and members.

You will discover how the National Board of 13 Directors is structured and their duties to make continuous growth one of their main objectives

Come join us on December 10th, 8 am EST, 13:00 GMT. and get some Canadian fellowship that can be expanded to others parts of PG.

Richard Furlong, past president of PROBUS Canada, member of Men’s PROBUS Club of Newmarket, Ontario and PROBUS Global will make the presentation.

The Q&A Session after the meeting featured many questions about how clubs are dealing with the COVID situation, how clubs are holding Zoom meetings, how to maintain interest in club activities and participate in management and more. A global perspective on PROBUS from Australia, UK, Europe and Canada.

March 17, 2021
PROBUS in France

Jacques Pierre Nollet from Flandres de Lys presented PROBUS France to the Newmarket PROBUS Club. He is in charge of International Relations for PROBUS France.

February 17, 2021
PROBUS in India

PROBUS Global member, Pr. Ram Mukherjee, the Founding President of Probus Club of Hyderabad gave a presentation about PROBUS in India.

► Watch more videos on our YouTube Channel